

时间:2020-12-16 20:19 阅读:1058 来源:朴诺健康研究院



淀粉酶抑制剂含有阻止饮食中淀粉吸收的物质。淀粉是复合糖,除非先被消化酶分解[1 2] ,不然是不能吸收的。对于减轻体重很有帮助。但是它刚开始使用时并不能有效地抑制碳水化合物的吸收。[3 4 5 6]之后,越来越多研究证实酶抑制剂可以减少碳水化合物的吸收。纯的淀粉酶抑制剂提取物用于淀粉饮食中发现可以降低健康人群和糖尿病病人的血糖水平[10 11 12 13 ]。这一作用对于血糖紊乱病人的治疗很有帮助。





首选 有可靠和相对一致的科研数据证明其对健康有显著改善。

次选 各有关科研结果相互矛盾、证据不充分或仅能初步表明其可改善健康状况或效果甚微。

其它 对草药来说,仅有传统用法可支持其应用,但尚无或仅有少量科学证据可证明其疗效。对营养补充剂来说,无科学证据支持和/或效果甚微。






摄入高剂量的淀粉酶抑制剂会由于肠道中不吸收的淀粉而引起腹泻[14 15]。服用降糖药的糖尿病病人,没有医生的指导不能服用淀粉酶抑制剂。



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2. Choudhury A, Maeda K, Murayama R, DiMagno EP. Character of a wheat amylase inhibitor preparation and effects on fasting human pancreaticobiliary secretions and hormones. Gastroenterology 1996;111:1313-20.

3. Bo-Linn GW, Santa Ana CA, Morawski SG, Fordtran JS. Starch blockers—their effect on calorie absorption from a high-starch meal. N Engl J Med 1982;307:1413–6.

4. Hollenbeck CB, Coulston AM, Quan R, et al. Effects of a commercial starch blocker preparation on carbohydrate digestion and absorption: in vivo and in vitro studies. Am J Clin Nutr 1983;38:498–503.

5. Garrow JS, Scott PF, Heels S, et al. A study of 'starch blockers' in man using 13C-enriched starch as a tracer. Hum Nutr Clin Nutr 1983;37:301–5.

6. Carlson GL, Li BU, Bass P, Olsen WA. A bean alpha-amylase inhibitor formulation (starch blocker) is ineffective in man. Science 1983;219:393–5.

7. Brugge WR, Rosenfeld MS. Impairment of starch absorption by a potent amylase inhibitor. Am J Gastroenterol 1987;82:718–22.

8. Boivin M, Zinsmeister AR, Go VL, DiMagno EP. Effect of a purified amylase inhibitor on carbohydrate metabolism after a mixed meal in healthy humans. Mayo Clin Proc 1987;62:249–55.

9. Layer P, Carlson GL, DiMagno EP. Partially purified white bean amylase inhibitor reduces starch digestion in vitro and inactivates intraduodenal amylase in humans. Gastroenterology 1985;88:1895–902.

10. Boivin M, Zinsmeister AR, Go VL, DiMagno EP. Effect of a purified amylase inhibitor on carbohydrate metabolism after a mixed meal in healthy humans. Mayo Clin Proc 1987;62:249–55.

11. Boivin M, Flourie B, Rizza RA, et al. Gastrointestinal and metabolic effects of amylase inhibition in diabetics. Gastroenterology 1988;94:387–94.

12. Lankisch M, Layer P, Rizza RA, DiMagno EP. Acute postprandial gastrointestinal and metabolic effects of wheat amylase inhibitor (WAI) in normal, obese, and diabetic humans. Pancreas 1998;17:176–81.

13. Holt PR, Thea D, Yang MY, Kotler DP. Intestinal and metabolic responses to an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor in normal volunteers. Metabolism 1988;37:1163–70.

14. Boivin M, Zinsmeister AR, Go VL, DiMagno EP. Effect of a purified amylase inhibitor on carbohydrate metabolism after a mixed meal in healthy humans. Mayo Clin Proc 1987;62:249–55.

15. Boivin M, Flourie B, Rizza RA, et al. Gastrointestinal and metabolic effects of amylase inhibition in diabetics. Gastroenterology 1988;94:387–94.